Transcribing a video for views and global outreach is becoming so much more common, since people have realized the importance of transcribing a video, it has given rise to a new profession which gives professional linguists the chance to earn money by transcribing a video, and for the consumers it gives them the chance to get their audio and video content transcribed by a professional, content creators aren’t just the only ones who require video transcripts as there are individuals and business organizations which require video media transcripts, business meetings and minutes or even training materials which are recorded as audio or video and then transcribed into usable and valuable text & for me the most reliable option has always been
The alternative to a video transcription done by a professional is machine translation which is also known as speech recognition, the software listens to the audio and puts out texts in a language of our choice and that is something which is used in a number of different fields, most notably academic and medical fields use machine transcription through voice recognition, but there are a few complications there as well and one might still require proof as the voice might get distorted and the software may not be able to translate properly which really takes out the meaning of an entire sentence, and if you are going to hire someone or even do proof reading by yourself then it is better to hand the job to a professional in the first place.
Experience is something that has no substitute and that is relevant when getting video transcription services, whether you are getting minutes of a meeting in transcript or you want training material to be transcript into valuable texts you need to find a professional service provider rather than just relying on an online translation tool.